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The first is DD of MT gas BANGKA – 3,535 CBM LPG Carrier

Saturday, April 25, 2015

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On 31st July 2013, MT Gas Bangka, LPG vessel, was in dry-dock for the first IS DD at Saigon Shipmarin. This vessel is managed by Thome Ship Management PTE.LTD – Singapore. MT Gas Bangka is sistership of MT Gas Madura who was also in dry-dock for the first IS DD in April 2013 and under management by Thome Ship Management PTE.LTD – Singapore as well.

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Through the DD repair of mentioned above vessels, Saigon Shipmarin proves the shipyard ability of ship repair with the three key points “Time, Quality and Competitive Cost” to local ship-owners and foreign ship-owners as well.

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