• Head office
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Union activity in Saigon Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Company

25-04-2015 Union activities

 Looking after employees’ living condition, work and implementing labour policies – Participating in the organization of production workshops in accordance with general characteristic to help labour have jobs. – Participating in the expansion of labour contract’s state law and signing labour contracts for 100 percent of people who work for company. – Buying accident, medical […]

Communtist Activities

25-04-2015 Communist activities

Saigon Shipbuilding and Marine Industry’s committee is a powerful organization with seventy communist members and has been recognized as a spotless, powerful, typical organization by the party of Central Economic Organ and Viet Nam Shipbuilding Industry Group for many years. Under the leadership of the organization, Saigon Shipbuilding and Marine Industry records great achievement, such […]


Vessel guests AMADARA

22-04-2015 Activities Capacity News Operating company

Theo hợp đồng kinh tế số : 60/HĐKT-SSIC ký ngày 27/01/2014 giữa Công ty TNHH MTV Công Nghiệp Tàu Thủy Sài Gòn và Công ty Cổ phần Đường Sông Đông Dương, ngày 13/05/2014 SSIC đã khởi công đóng mới tàu khách AMADARA.Tàu khách AMADARA có các thông số kỹ thuật chính: – Chiều dài thiết […]

Gravely DDG 107

Capacity building

22-04-2015 Activities Capacity News Operating company

Năng lực đóng mới Dự án đã triển khai xong : Sà lan chuyên dụng dầu khí 15.000 DWT Dự án đang triển khai: tàu hàng 6.800 DWT (2 chiếc) Chiều dài max 102,79 m Chiều dài thiết kế 94,5 m Chiều rộng 17 m Chiều cao 8,8 m Mớn nước 6,957 m Máy chính […]

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