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Ship Repair News

Saturday, April 25, 2015


In the end of past November, 2010 the Tanker SEA LION has been launched and carried out sea trails test to delivery after docking on the floating dock No.2 of SAIGON SHIPMARIN Co.Ltd. The vessel M/T ‘SEA LION” is belong to the oil and gas shipping fleet of PETROVIETNAM TRANSPORTATION CORPORATION ( PVTRANS )

Main particularities as follows:

Length overall                 138.62 m

Breadth                               21.8 m

Load draft                             8.75 m

Dead weight                       15.426 MT

Main Engine Makita-Mitsui MAN B&W 6,160 BHP/210RPM (Max.Output)

Diesel Generator   3 sets each of 400 KVA/450V/60Hz



This ship was docked to repair for special survey (SS) of BV Classification. The work items include repairing and maintenance of all cargo oil pump system, firefighting pump system with valves and piping, main engine and auxiliary machinery; propeller and shafting system; replace hull steel plate; sand blasting and painting etc. Repairing time from October 25 to November 20,2010 and now vessel M/T SEA LION has delivered to ship-owner to enter operating

SAIGON SHIPMARIN Co.Ltd has two floating docks for shiprepair, one lifting capacity of 6000T ( docking ability vessel up to 15000 DWT) and other lifting capacity of 8500 T ( docking vessels up to 25000 DWT). In the year 2010 the company has carried out repairing on dock various kind of vessels in turn. Presently we concentrate our efforts on completing of construction two new ship buildings of 6500DWT and 6800DWT in order to delivery in the end of this year.


Bản quyền thuộc về công ty SSMI

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