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Saigon Shipmarin launched the ship 6800DWT No.2 Shipmarin Victory

Saturday, April 25, 2015


The next success of the delivery the ship 6500DWT No.2 for the owner from Japan (ASIAN JOY), On March 07th, 2012, Saigon Shipbuilding and Marine Industrial one meember Co.; LTD was launched successfully 6800DWT No.2 (Shipmarin Victory). This is a series of two cargo ships are monitored by two organizations registers:NK and VR.

The specifications as follow:

–           Length over all: 102.79 m

–           Width: 17 m

–           Depth: 9.1 m

–           Main machine: Hanshin 2647 KW – produced by Japan.

The entire employee’s company determined to complete the delivery keep schedule, fulfilling business-plan in 2012, continue to implement the restructuring-plan as orientation of Corporation

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