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Saigon Shipmarin organized sea trail for RV Mekong Navigator

Saturday, April 25, 2015

On July 7th 2014, Saigon Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Ltd Co., has collaborated with Hoa Sen Yacht Ltd Co., to organized sea trial for RV Mekong Navigator.

R.V Mekong Navigator is a 5-star vessel for river cruises, has specifications: Length 69.95 m, breadth 12.7 m, depth 3.5 m with 34 rooms, 72 passengers.

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RV Mekong Navigator was been sea trial on the Nha Be river to Dong Nai river.

Along with the supervision of VR class, all the features of vessel has been tested accordance with the approved procedure and achieved good results.

Currently, RV Mekong Navigator is moored at the Saigon Shipmarin wharf to complete remaining-procedures before going into operation. It is expected that this vessel will be into operation in September 2014.

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