Saigon Shipmarin » Union activities A shipyard from most dynamic eco-zone Wed, 12 Jul 2017 03:30:44 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Union activity in Saigon Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Company Sat, 25 Apr 2015 04:17:33 +0000

 Looking after employees’ living condition, work and implementing labour policies

– Participating in the organization of production workshops in accordance with general characteristic to help labour have jobs.

– Participating in the expansion of labour contract’s state law and signing labour contracts for 100 percent of people who work for company.

– Buying accident, medical and social insurance for all employees

– Organizing the training of safety and labour safety for employees

– Organizing to examine and classify health grade for employees

– Subsidizing unforeseen difficulties for 10 families

– Visiting the funeral of staff’s parents

– Presenting the present to staffs on the occasion of Labour International Day.

– Organizing short trips for all employees

Implementation of management participation function:

– Coordinating with the Leaders in organizing official Labour festival in 2006

– Participating in arranging and amending management regulations, production management; re-arranging business management apparatus, departments, workshops suitably.

– Coordinating with professional departments to inspect the implementation of labour law, Company’s regulation, labour safety and regimes and policies for employees.

Emulation and Reward activities:

– Continue to impulse four first movements, those are “the best quality, the fastest progress, the most safety and the best labour living’s organization”

– Spreading join resolution of General Director and Union’s Standing Committee of Viet Nam Shipbuilding Industry Group with movement “Building up business civilization in cultural way” over company

Charitable activities:

– Board of Union mobilize all staff to raise one wage- day for people suffered from damage of storm in Centre of Vietnam with the amount of 13.640.000d.

– Board of Director and Union of Saigon Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Company built gratitude house for Mr. Ho Tiet Ngoc – a retired staff in Chau Thanh Town, Ben Tre Province and presented a savings – book with total amount of twenty million VN dong

Woman activities:

– On the occasion of Woman International Day, Domestic science committee organized the get – together and party for Woman of company.

– Responding to the appeal of Labour Union, Domestic science committee mobilized Woman staff to raise five thousand dong per person with total amount of four hundred and forty thousand dong for Heroic Viet Nam Mother statue.

Labour union with building communist activities:

– To expand the resolution of communist organization of company, under the guidance of Board of Union, subsidiaries’ union implements party – building up activity excellently, actively selects to foster and help excellent Union members for Party developing activity.

– Board of Union completed comment formality and presentation for cells to admit to Viet Nam Communist Party.

Regimes and policies about the guarantee rights for employees:

– Coordinating to inspect and issue safety working equipments for employees who directly work in premise according to the stipulations of Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Welfare.

– Examining recurrent health, take care of and issue medicines for staffs and workers.

– Classifying employees and signing labour contracts for new staffs after the expiry of working test and seasonal contracts.

– Buying medical and social insurance, accident insurance for staffs that signed contracts.

– Paying salary, bonus and subsidized money of all kinds of insurances quickly and timely.

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