Saigon Shipmarin » Activities A shipyard from most dynamic eco-zone Wed, 12 Jul 2017 03:30:44 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Ship Repair News Sat, 25 Apr 2015 04:11:55 +0000  

In the end of past November, 2010 the Tanker SEA LION has been launched and carried out sea trails test to delivery after docking on the floating dock No.2 of SAIGON SHIPMARIN Co.Ltd. The vessel M/T ‘SEA LION” is belong to the oil and gas shipping fleet of PETROVIETNAM TRANSPORTATION CORPORATION ( PVTRANS )

Main particularities as follows:

Length overall                 138.62 m

Breadth                               21.8 m

Load draft                             8.75 m

Dead weight                       15.426 MT

Main Engine Makita-Mitsui MAN B&W 6,160 BHP/210RPM (Max.Output)

Diesel Generator   3 sets each of 400 KVA/450V/60Hz



This ship was docked to repair for special survey (SS) of BV Classification. The work items include repairing and maintenance of all cargo oil pump system, firefighting pump system with valves and piping, main engine and auxiliary machinery; propeller and shafting system; replace hull steel plate; sand blasting and painting etc. Repairing time from October 25 to November 20,2010 and now vessel M/T SEA LION has delivered to ship-owner to enter operating

SAIGON SHIPMARIN Co.Ltd has two floating docks for shiprepair, one lifting capacity of 6000T ( docking ability vessel up to 15000 DWT) and other lifting capacity of 8500 T ( docking vessels up to 25000 DWT). In the year 2010 the company has carried out repairing on dock various kind of vessels in turn. Presently we concentrate our efforts on completing of construction two new ship buildings of 6500DWT and 6800DWT in order to delivery in the end of this year.


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Ship Repair in 2009-2012 Sat, 25 Apr 2015 04:09:38 +0000 SSMI_Brochure Repair ]]> 0 Scopes of Activities Sat, 25 Apr 2015 04:07:06 +0000 linhvuc


  1. Designing, shipbuilding and repairing all kinds of boats, ships and floating means. Repairing all kinds of crane, lifting equipments and cleaning tankers.
  2. Marine services, ship’s chandler and supplier, water and land transportation, broker, forwarder and shipping agent.
  3. Importing and exporting machines, equipments, materials and accessories for shipbuilding and civil industries.
  4. Trading, importing and exporting all kinds of goods: consumer goods, agricultural, industrial craft products, agricultural and building materials, chemical.
  5. Buoy and port operation, stevedoring, tally and tugboats.
  6. Processing and assembling other industrial products.
  7. Training technical workers for shipbuilding and other industries.
  8. Agricultural, industrial craft products, agricultural materials and building materials, chemical, machines and superseded materials. Importing and exporting all kinds of foodstuffs.
  9. Investing house service, civil, urban and house constructions. Building and installing sea – works, traffic works and irrigational works.
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Saigon Shipmarin ceremony keel laying for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (NH3 1400m3) Sat, 25 Apr 2015 04:03:33 +0000 Today, 13/01/2013, Saigon Shipbuilding And Marine Industry One Member Co.Ltd ceremony keel laying of LPG/ NH3-1400m3 for Ship-Owner: FA Joint Stock Company, this product is a project started for building-plan in 2013.


Saigon Shipbuilding And Marine Industry One Member Co.Ltd (Saigon Shipmarin) – A member of the Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group – with Our ability and determination ,We pledge to strive overcome the difficulties to constructed this vessel with the best quality and keep schedule.





This Vessel is LPG type, design by Southern Engineering Shipbuilding Co. Ltd and approval by Vietnam Register with the particular as follow :


  • Length Max: 60.00 m
  • Breadth max: 11.20m
  • Depth:  4.00m
  • Draft:  2.6m
  • Test speed : 8 knots / hour

Main engine    : CUMMINS: 2 x 400 HP

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News of Ship repair in early 2014 Sat, 25 Apr 2015 03:56:18 +0000 Complete excellent targets in 2013 has created a stepping stone for Saigon Shipmarin to continue to strive in 2014.

Early 2014, Saigon Shipmarin  take 02 vessel to repair on floating Dock for Ship-owner: Binh An Shipping and Marine Service LTD and DUCDAT SHIPPING CO.,LTD

              BÌNH AN VICTORIA




Length Overall (m):     57,05

Breadth max (m):         12.30

Depth (m):                      5.50

Gross Tonnage (T):      1942.2

Deadweight (T):            994.7






Length Overall (m):     112.5

Breadth max (m):         18.23

Depth (m):                      6.70

Gross Tonnage (T):      4,914

Deadweight (T):            7,040


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News of Ship Repair in December 2012 Sat, 25 Apr 2015 03:53:16 +0000 SSMI_Brochure Newbuilding ]]> 0 Newbuilding in 2009-2012 Sat, 25 Apr 2015 03:51:58 +0000 SSMI_Brochure Newbuilding ]]> 0 The first is DD of MT gas BANGKA – 3,535 CBM LPG Carrier Sat, 25 Apr 2015 03:39:02 +0000 image001 (4)

On 31st July 2013, MT Gas Bangka, LPG vessel, was in dry-dock for the first IS DD at Saigon Shipmarin. This vessel is managed by Thome Ship Management PTE.LTD – Singapore. MT Gas Bangka is sistership of MT Gas Madura who was also in dry-dock for the first IS DD in April 2013 and under management by Thome Ship Management PTE.LTD – Singapore as well.

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Through the DD repair of mentioned above vessels, Saigon Shipmarin proves the shipyard ability of ship repair with the three key points “Time, Quality and Competitive Cost” to local ship-owners and foreign ship-owners as well.

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Saigon Shipmarin launched the ship 6800DWT No.2 Shipmarin Victory Sat, 25 Apr 2015 03:36:30 +0000  

The next success of the delivery the ship 6500DWT No.2 for the owner from Japan (ASIAN JOY), On March 07th, 2012, Saigon Shipbuilding and Marine Industrial one meember Co.; LTD was launched successfully 6800DWT No.2 (Shipmarin Victory). This is a series of two cargo ships are monitored by two organizations registers:NK and VR.

The specifications as follow:

–           Length over all: 102.79 m

–           Width: 17 m

–           Depth: 9.1 m

–           Main machine: Hanshin 2647 KW – produced by Japan.

The entire employee’s company determined to complete the delivery keep schedule, fulfilling business-plan in 2012, continue to implement the restructuring-plan as orientation of Corporation

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Saigon Shipmarin organized sea trail for RV Mekong Navigator Sat, 25 Apr 2015 03:34:57 +0000 On July 7th 2014, Saigon Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Ltd Co., has collaborated with Hoa Sen Yacht Ltd Co., to organized sea trial for RV Mekong Navigator.

R.V Mekong Navigator is a 5-star vessel for river cruises, has specifications: Length 69.95 m, breadth 12.7 m, depth 3.5 m with 34 rooms, 72 passengers.

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RV Mekong Navigator was been sea trial on the Nha Be river to Dong Nai river.

Along with the supervision of VR class, all the features of vessel has been tested accordance with the approved procedure and achieved good results.

Currently, RV Mekong Navigator is moored at the Saigon Shipmarin wharf to complete remaining-procedures before going into operation. It is expected that this vessel will be into operation in September 2014.

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